Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

The ways to keep friendship forever and always strong

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.”
-Oprah Winfrey

I was very lucky last week to meet one of my best friends during school days after about five years. We were very close then though there were other friends too who were close to me. We had developed such a strong relation that I never can't forget even if I wish (No, I never wish). But, for the last five years we were not in contact with each other face to face though were in contact by other means such as email, phone etc.

Personally, with me, it takes some time to develop friendship. But, once done, it remains very strong and forever with almost all. As long as they trust me, I will also trust them. I do not have lot friends but have strong and very close relation with whom I am friend. I do not like seasons and opportunistic friends. Many of them came and went in my life as well. They hurt you in some cases. I understand that life is not always same and we can’t always stay in touch with our friends personally.

OMG, I think I am going to write more about myself. My main point here is not also to talk about importance of our friends because we all know friends are always important in our life. I must share this Sicilian Proverb, which says, “Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.” What I am going to tell is how to keep your friendship always strong and make long lasting.

Said that, let me start with some qualities of good friendship.

What are the qualities of good friendship?

1. Two friends trust each other in spite of some misunderstandings.

2. They are ready to help each other in any condition.

3. They share whether it is happiness or trouble and try to solve the problem by consulting with each other.

4. They are ready to make understanding if there is any misunderstanding between them.

5. They remain good friend even after long time, change in social, personal, financial status.

How to keep friendship forever and always strong?

There are many ways. These ways may vary from person to person-according to their personality, different status etc. But, I am giving you some general tips you can apply to keep your relation till the end i.e. until we die! (Friends die but friendship never dies)

1. Trust: Trust is such a great quality that is important to keep that relation strong and long lasting in any relation from friendship to that of couples and boy/girlfriend. If you trust the person with whom you have good relation and the other person also trust you in the same way, then you two have strong relation.

Nevertheless, this trust turns into distrust when there come doubts, selfishness etc. If this continued for long-time, any good relation is sure to end and both of you will have to stay at different pole of the earth i.e. one at the North Pole and the other at the South Pole! We definitely do not want this. You may say how I can trust my friend that he/she is always right and he/she will always do well for me. Well again, I say trust your good friend. Because, it is sure good friend will never hurt you.

2. Remember important dates: Remember important dates related to your friend such as his/her Birthday, anniversaries etc. and wish him/her or give a gift he/she will like. In such case, some people consider money as important thing and try to give expensive gifts. However, remember good friendship cannot be compared with money. So, try the one you can afford. You simply can send online greetings for example.

3. Help in troubles: Aristotle has put it rightly, “Misfortune shows those who are not really friends.” I think here also I should not make any more clarification. Only one thing I want to say is always be ready to help your friend in any way and as much as you can.

4. Remain in contact: Sometimes distance makes relation even closer. If you are far from your friend, due to development in technology there are many ways you can remain in contact. You can use email, chat programs, and other social networking sites such as Myspace, Facebook etc. Personally, after college I lost contact with so many of my friends. But, these social networking sites bridged us again. If your friends want to let know your daily activities or other special activity, you can write a blog and share your daily life activities.

5. Share and enjoy: If there is anything that you made happy, share with your friend. Listen to his/her thoughts as well. If he/she has achieved something noticeable that may not be big to you but still is great to him/her, congratulate, and enjoy yourself as well.

6. Maintain healthy competition: I have seen end of good friendship when there existed unhealthy competition between two friends. Though this may not happen in many relations, it is better to keep this idea in mind since it may happen anytime.

7. Monetary exchange: As far as I have seen and happened for me as well, it will be better not to either lend or borrow money with your good friend. Attention should be paid so that your friendship may not end even if you have to do anyway.

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